
Showing posts from May, 2020

歳時記の言葉vol7. 薄暑 / The seasonal words in Japanese Haiku vol.7 "Hakusho"

薄暑はやや熱い陽気を表し、季語の一つです。初夏を表現します。 この季節、私たちは少し汗ばむ陽気になり、肌に触れる風が心地よいものです。その上、目には豊かな新緑が目に入ります。そうした日々が雨季がやって来るまで続きます。雨季は6月の後半に始まり、7月中に終えます。日本語で"ツユ"(梅雨)と呼ばれ、とても多湿になります。ですから薄暑の季節はそう長くは続かず終えます。梅雨が到来すると、この心地よい時節を惜しむものです。また、"梅雨"自体も季語の一つです。 / "Hakusho" refers to "weather that's a little bit hot" and is a seasonal word. It expresses the early summer.  In this season, the weather becomes hot enough to make us perspire, and the wind makes our skin feel pleasant. Moreover, we can see a wealth of new green. The days continue until the rainy season comes. The rainy season starts from the second half of June, and ends in July. It's called "tsuyu" in Japanese, and has very high humidity. So, the "hakusho" season lasts for just a brief period of time. We miss this comfortable season when "tsuyu" starts, and "tsuyu" itself is a seasonal word too. 

歳時記の言葉vol6. 筍 / The seasonal words in Japanese Haiku vol6. "Takenoko"

季語の筍は、英語では "a bamboo shoot"又は"bamboo shoots"のことで、初夏を表現します。 春から採取され始める筍は、初夏には食品として市場に届きます。食用になる筍には、孟宗竹、淡竹、真竹の三種があります。多くの日本人が、米飯を筍と一緒に炊いた筍飯を好み、筍同様初夏の季語になっています。竹は成長が早く、真っ直ぐに伸びることから、多くの家庭用品が作られ、また、古来詩の言葉としても使われています。 / The seasonal word "takenoko" means "a bamboo shoot" or "bamboo shoots" in English, and expresses an early summer. Bamboo shoots begin to be gathered from spring, and arrive on the market as foods in early summer. There are three kinds of edible bamboo shoots, moso bamboos, henon bamboos, and madake bamboos. So many Japanese love " Takenoko meshi," which is boiled rice with the bamboo shoot, and the phrase is a seasonal phrase in the same season as well. Bamboo grows rapidly and straightly, so, many household goods are made of it, and it is also used as a poetry phrase from ancient times.

青蛙 / a green frog

青蛙雨粒追ひし満池に輪 following drops of rain a green frog jump into a pond. ripples across the surface

カモシカ / Serow

この度、昨年の夏に京都で作成した写真俳句が、秋田インターナショナル俳句ネットワーク(AIHN)の句誌、「カモシカ」の俳画のページに掲載いただけました。ご高配いただいたAIHNの皆さんはもとより、こちらのアカウントで毎度ご高覧頂いている皆さんに深謝いたします。 / Today, my photo haikus created in Kyoto last summer have been posted on the haiga page of "Serow (Kamoshika)", a haiku journal of Akita International Haiku Network (AIHN). I would like to express my deep gratitude to all of the AIHN people who gave me their kind consideration, as well as to everyone who views this account.

水仙 / narcissus

the narcissus opens: nothing to believe,    nothing to doubt 一輪の水仙が咲く 何も信ぜず、  疑いもせず —James Luguri—

アンニュイ / ennui

物憂さは五月の風の湿りかな my own ennui— like the damp of  May wind

歳時記の言葉 vol.5 蛇 / The seasonal words in Japanese haiku. Vol.5 "Hebi"

蛇(hebi)は英語の"A snake"、"Snakes"を意味し、夏を表します。 日本にはおおよそ三種類の毒蛇、蝮、ハブ、ヤマカガシが生息していますが、他の大半の蛇は毒を持ちません。春に蛇たちは冬眠から覚め、巣穴から出て来ます。夏には活動的になり、あちらこちらをうろつきます。この季節には水田を滑るように進む蛇を見ることができます。三種類の毒蛇の中では、ヤマカガシが最も大人しそうに見えるのですが、毒性は最も強いものです。ですから、この蛇には最も注意が払われるべきです。 "Hebi" means "A snake" or "Snakes" in English, and expresses summer. There are approximately three kinds of poisonous snakes in Japan: pit vipers, habus, and tiger keelbacks, but most of the others aren't poisonous. In spring, snakes wake from hibernation, and come out of their holes. In summer, they become active, and wander from place to place. We can see slithering snakes on the surface of rice paddies in this season. Among the three kinds of poisonous snakes, tiger keelbacks are the quietest looking ones. However, they're the most venomous, so we must pay the most attention to these snakes. 





歳時記の言葉 Vol.4 "麦の秋" / The seasonal words in Japanese haiku. Vol.4 "Mugi_no_aki"

「麦の秋」、「麦秋」は共に俳句の季語として「麦の収穫時」を指し、初夏を示すものです。 「麦の秋」は直訳すると"Autumn of barley"となります。一般的に、秋は多くの農作物の収穫期ですが、日本では、麦は秋に植えられ初夏に収穫されます。その点がこの季語の元来の意味で表現されています。私たちは麦自体を食べ物として扱いますが、同様に多くの加工食品の材料としても利用します。醤油、ビール、味噌などです。収穫が終えると、農民は稲の苗を同じ土地に植えるものです。 / "Mugi_no_aki" or "Bakushu" refer to "The time of the barley harvest " as seasonal words in haiku, and denote early summer. "Mugi_no_aki" can translate literally into "Autumn of barley". Generally speaking, autumn is the time of harvest in many farm products. Having said that, barley is planted in autumn, and harvested in early summer in Japan. The point is expressed by the original meaning of this seasonal word. We have barley itself as a food, and also process the material into several fermented foods like, soy sauce, beer, "miso", etc. Following the harvest, farmers plant rice seedlings on the same fields. 

歳時記の言葉 vol.3 "雀隠れ" / The season words in Japanese haiku. Vol.3 "Suzume_gakure"

「雀隠れ」という晩春を表現する季語があり、名詞として使われます。「雀を隠す草」の意味です。 晩春、草々はその丈を高く伸ばし始めるので、雀たちはそこに身を隠すことができるようになります。「雀隠れ」はそういった状況を表します。雀は日本人に最も親しまれている鳥ですが、この国の都市化で数を減らして来ました。近い将来、この季語は無くなるかもしれません。自然と言葉、言語というのは密接な関係があると言えましょう。 / There is a seasonal word "Suzume_gakure" which expresses the late spring, and is used as a noun. It means "The grass which hides sparrows." In late spring, the height of the grass begins to grow high, so the sparrows become able to hide in the grass. "Suzume_gakure" shows such a situation. Sparrows are the most familiar birds among the Japanese, but have decreased in numbers with the urbanization of this country. In the near future, this seasonal word might become obsolete. We can say that nature and words, or language have close connection.

花時 / the time of cherry blossoms

花時を過ぎて再び此岸かな the time of cherry blossoms has passed, life resumes.